Beeston Speed Map coming soon — comments welcome
I will let the new Beeston Speed Map talk for itself. If it needs explaining then it's a failure. At this stage I have a few names to enter and icons to create and add. I will also get the Middle street Resource centre and its cafe on. Each map is part of a jigsaw and they can all be joined together to create one large map if I had the money to print it A2 size (as many such maps are).
No map is ever finished.
I now have to take a copy out with me and check it for accuracy as at 31 May 2018. That is going to be my cutoff date for final corrections and editing.
Please could you tell me where I might get copies of the map from or whether it is downloadable? I volunteer at an English conversation session for speakers of other languages, many of whom are relatively new to Beeston and this would be very useful for our session. Thank you