My last blog post about attending the Middle Street Resource Centre Annual Public Meeting has attracted 500 hits to date. 'Thank you' to whoever it was who gave me a mention on Facebook. As I have said before I just blog.
Monday evening , as much as I enjoyed it, has resulted in a chest infection and a sore throat — not good things to have when you have lung disease. I am about to start a week of antibiotics and going nowhere. I do these things when I know better. Foolhardy me!
It means missing a Five Leaves Bookshop meeting at Nottingham Mechanics Institute on Saturday about Parks, Council Housing and Essex, and a Michael Wood's lecture about Vikings at Lakeside Arts Centre next week. The only plus side is that I remain an optimist who thinks I can still do these things when, as Monday shows, I can't!
I will also miss the opening of the Bendigo Lounge on Beeston High Road next week to which I had an invite.
So, I'm signing off for a good week and whilst I feel like I do right now the most I'm going to do is watch daytime TV — yes I feel that bad right now.
Oh, no!:( Keep safe and warm and take care of yourself:)