Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Council tax exemptions cost Broxtowe council tax payers over £1.7m a year and discounts a staggering £7.6m

The headline is about true but lacks perspective but once you've read it do you really care?

I fall into the camp that believes information should be presented in ways which are reasonably easy to understand. It is something I struggle to do despite my best efforts. I want to explain everything instead of just giving readers a headline figure. Over the years I have asked numerous individuals or organisations to explain a number or a claim and all I got by way of a reply was silence.

When in yesterday's blog post I argued that Broxtowe could find (a minimum) of £2million per annum to fund a young persons' housing programme I had the data before me as supplied by Broxtowe Borough Council. A bit from here, a bit from there, and when you pull it altogether and make a statement there is someone waiting to demolish your reasonable argument (hence the success of the political drama House of Cards).

Click on table below to enlarge:

These figures are what underpin the case I made yesterday for a young persons' housing precept across Broxtowe, money taken from the general Council Tax total and shown on our council tax bill as a precept.

I can then run a headline claiming 'Council tax goes down in Broxtowe'. 

What I want is viable and the figures reveal it. Abolish exemptions for student housing and then ring fence the money as match funding for the young persons' housing precept, giving us a pot of at least £2million per annum. I stated my case yesterday so please go and take a look now.


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