Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Beeston Fields Recreation Ground picture walk

This morning I walked around the edges of Beeston Fields Recreation Ground and took these photographs.
Looking north from beside the changing pavilion on the east side of the recreation ground.

A wider view looking north from beside the changing pavilion on the east side of the recreation ground.

Four trees in the north-east corner of the recreation ground.

Looking west along the northern edge of the recreation ground from the north-east corner.

The well trodden path along the northern edge of the recreation ground.

A garden gate onto the recreation ground from one the many houses which border the recreation ground.

The line of trees along the northern edge of the recreation ground viewed from the north-west corners towards the north-east corner. 

An isolated stretch of tarmac on the west side of the recreation looking towards Wollaton Road…

…at the end of which is this low railing barrier blocking off access from Wollaton Road. Straight ahead is Hillside Road.

The recreation ground viewed from the path which runs along its southern edge..

A view from the recreation ground's southern edge path looking east.

Recreation ground signage as you enter from Central Avenue. Behind the fence is the bowling green and pavilion.

Pigeon from a nearby loft fly over e recreation ground.

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