Saturday, 24 November 2018

May’s betrayal of Gibraltar is reason enough to say no to her Brexit deal

A very short post. News that Gibraltar has been betrayed by May should make it impossible for any MP worth the name to support her Brexit deal.

May is a nasty person. The roots of the Windrush generation expulsions and the inhumane and racist treatment of many innocent, good, people  can be traced back to her time as Home Secretary. The racist nationalistic Home Office we have to endure is a May legacy. 

Is any  EU Brexit deal worth betraying Gibraltar?  The answer has to be NO! If I was in Scotland right now I would calling for another independence vote. May cannot be trusted.

Post-Brexit there is now every chance that South American countries will unite behind Argentina and demand that the Falklands are ceded to Argentina as part of any trade deal. The world will be queuing up to take advantage of us. Spain have got the first bite and, make no mistake, there are plenty of others waiting to have their pound of flesh.

Spain has a string of  enclaves on the coast of North Africa and it complains about Gibraltar!

It is said that she is going to appeal to the ‘British people over the head of Parliament. By her actions she has betrayed all of us, not just Gibraltar.

With any luck this will be the attempt which forces her from office and enough of us will unite to say ‘enough is enough’ and that this Brexit madness is brought to an end! The trouble with this take is that the Leave voters I know haven’t changed their minds and blame Europe - not May - for the mess.   A few might have backed off had they foreseen the mess we’re now in but they do not imagine for one moment the outcome would have been any better had Corbyn been in charge. Right now Parliament might fairly be described as a rest home for headless chickens. Still Corbyn waits... need one say more.

For the record I supported the Falklands intervention after Argentina’s invasion in 1982 because I believe in the right of self-determination both nationally and locally. I stand by the same rights for Gibraltar and the constituent parts of the British Isles.

I was born during World War Two and I believe we have to be part of the European Union because history and our own liberty depends on it.

I should also declare I am 58% Irish and 42% English. I was born in Devon to an unmarried English mother. I believe in a federal Ireland like I believe in a federal Britain and Europe, and if I ever have a passport again I would like it to be a European Union passport.

My father was Irish, my step-father Scottish and my children are 25% Welsh. I have a 100% Irish half-brother and half-Scottish half-sisters. My surname could have been one of four and, for a while, it was changed, but I changed it back again at 13 or thereabouts. If asked where I’m from I usually say Wembley - a very global local place name. Giving that answer to someone recently they came back ‘But you’re English, right?’ and I answered ‘Yes’. I could when aged 3 have been adopted by the parents of my favourite aunt (by marriage) and stayed in Grantown-on-Spey. On reflection I would have liked that but I can’t imagine  life without Susan so I like to think we would have found one another somehow. As for Ireland my affinity to the Irish has been with me all my life, even though it was not until a DNA test in 2016 the link was confirmed and it was not until last year I found out the name of my father, thanks to someone I didn’t know posting a DNA result which gave us a close family link.

At the end of the day I am an islander with a love of the sea and glad that Europe is close at hand - just like Beeston High Road is a short walk away. In all this I consider myself blessed.

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