Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Street Art weekend just days away and new Beeston Map progresses

Jeanie Barton and her colleagues have been working behind the scenes so to speak preparing to pull off a great artistic venture. Her poster says it all:

A leaflet just emailed to me by Judy Sleath, Chair of Beeston & District Civic Society, lists the eight street art locations around the town you can visit. This has enabled me to mark all the location onto the new maps below.

Feedback on my new look Beeston Map confirmed what I suspected — that including EVERY retail unit on one map A3 size had the potential to be confusing  and so it turned out to be. As a result I have stripped out service providers who you need an appointment to see and all estate and letting agent bar C P Walker & Son, who support the map with by placing an advert.

One problem was the size of The Square, which I have now enlarged in the latest draft version (see below), but that has meant tweaking the map. It is still crowded, but seeing people staring intently at a draft copy, then asking questions, was reward enough.

For the Beeston Festival next month I hope the map will be joined by a vertical banner showing all four sections of the map seamlessly joined together. It is still not too late to comment as I am now parking the map until Monday week (25 June).

The map will also mark all the Beeston Street Art locations, for which I have created a fun marker on the basis that what we are about to see on the streets of Beeston is a visual arts explosion!

You can see street art locations marked on the maps.

PS. I know I have still to mark the new gin place on Chilwell Road and change / add a couple of names (eg. new Hive occupants Mr. Perfect Pets and Trendy Nippers Boutique — who get their own blog post in the next day or two complete with pics).

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