Sunday, 30 August 2015

Your Beeston bus and tram pocket companion updated

I have updated the Beeston Transport Map and called it a 'pocket companion' because it can be printed off and carried very easily. I have also marked some twenty-three out of Beeston places of interest, of of which can be reached directly by bus or tram. The railway from Beeston Station offers an almost endless list of places which can be reached in a couple of hours, including London, Leicester, Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Norwich and so the list goes on.

Also included is information about buses and trams from Beeston Interchange.

Finally, remember this map has been design to print A4 landscape in with full colour or mono.  Simply click on the map to enlarge.

It has had its own page in the right-hand since I started this blog at there end 0f 2014.

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